National Security

The United States is breaking records and not in a good way. Our nation faces an unprecedented surge in illegal migration, an influx of fentanyl and other dangerous drugs, child and human trafficking, and the mass migration of militants from conflict-ridden regions including China, Russia, and various Middle Eastern countries. These alarming trends pose severe threats to our national security, public health, and social stability, yet they are being exacerbated by politicians who choose to ignore essential border law enforcement policies.

Unprecedented Surge in Illegal Migration

Illegal migration into the United States has reached historic levels, straining our border security and overwhelming immigration infrastructure. The current administration’s lax approach to border enforcement has resulted in a weak border, allowing millions of undocumented individuals to enter the country. This not only undermines the rule of law but also creates significant security risks, as insufficient vetting has enabled criminals and terrorists to exploit our immigration system.

Influx of Fentanyl and Other Dangerous Drugs

The influx of fentanyl and other dangerous drugs into the United States has fueled a devastating opioid crisis, claiming tens of thousands of lives annually. Much of this deadly fentanyl is trafficked across our southern border by ruthless cartels. Despite this clear and present danger, our political leaders have failed to take decisive action to secure our borders and disrupt these criminal networks. Strong border enforcement is crucial to intercepting these drugs and protecting American communities from this lethal scourge.

Child and Human Trafficking

The scourge of child and human trafficking is another grave consequence of our current border policies. Vulnerable individuals, including unaccompanied minors, are exploited by traffickers who prey on their desperation. The lack of robust border security measures has facilitated the rise of these heinous activities, putting countless lives at risk and perpetuating cycles of abuse and exploitation. We must prioritize the protection of the most vulnerable by enforcing our laws and dismantling trafficking networks.

Mass Migration of Militants

The mass migration of militants from conflict-ridden regions such as China, Russia, and the Middle East presents a dire national security threat. Our porous borders and inadequate vetting processes have created opportunities for hostile actors to infiltrate our country. These individuals may harbor malicious intentions, seeking to carry out attacks or engage in espionage. To safeguard our homeland, we must implement stringent border security measures and enhance our intelligence capabilities to detect and neutralize these threats.

Political Inaction and Its Consequences

The inaction of politicians who choose to ignore border law enforcement policies is a significant factor exacerbating these crises. By failing to enforce existing laws and implement effective security measures, they have allowed these threats to escalate. It is imperative that our leaders prioritize national security and the well-being of American citizens over partisan politics. We must hold them accountable and demand that they take the necessary steps to secure our borders and protect our nation.

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This educational video initiative draws inspiration from Tom Homan’s extensive thirty-five-year career in law enforcement and his unwavering dedication to preserving lives with compassion, as vividly recounted in his book, “Defend the Border & Save Lives.” Tom Homan, who served as the Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) during the Trump administration, now serves as the distinguished Border Expert on Fox News.

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